Choose how you want to pay:
Amount that you will be sending to us:
Current max: 81 USD
Your DGD Address
Generate a DGD Address using the Receive Button of your Digital Gold Wallet.
If you've already submitted the DGD wallet, use the same credentials
Your Username
If you've already submitted the form once, use the same credentials
Your Password
If you've already submitted the form once, use the same credentials
Confirm Password
Referral Code
Enter referral code, if you have one
Email (optional)
Sign up to a monthly newsletter
Contribute to Validate and Get DGD
If you need help with the form please see the instructions below:
Submit the form to receive a payment address.
Once we receive the payment, the funds will be credited to your account and applied toward advancing through the levels.
Log in to your account to view your balance and access other important information.